6 Unique Ways to Get Instant Links to your Site...

6 Unique Ways to Get Instant Links to your Site
It seems as though everyone wants something done quickly, or nearly instantly. We want success quickly. We want to be successful online and we want to get links to our web sites quickly. We want traffic to our web sites quickly.

There are many reasons why you would want to get an "influx" of links to one particular article on your web site. Perhaps it's a blog post. Perhaps it's just a new web site and a brand new domain name and you "want to do something" to jumpstart it somehow. I've put together a list of six things you can do right now to get nearly "instant links" to your web site. In many cases these six "techniques" of getting links are nearly automated, so your link will show up almost as fast as you can go check to see if it's really there. Some other techniques I've listed below are faster; and some require that you actually create some content (like writing a few blog entries).
I am not making any sort of "guarantees" at all whether or not these work or whether or not they're completely "white hat", meaning that if from Google picks up on it he won't have problem with it. And I haven't tested each and every one of these to see if the "links count" at all the search engines. In any case, though, there are legitimate reasons as to why you would want to get a link quickly. One reason I can think of right now is that you need to get a URL crawled quickly; especially when you're going to syndicate the content on other web sites. Duplicate content can be a real issue nowadays, and it's important to make sure that the content our site gets crawled first.
Here are fix ways to get nearly instant links to your web site:

1. Submit site to get-listed-quickly directories.
OneMission.comSign up as an editor, then add links in appropriate categories. Top level categories are better, not many links from home pageoneMission.com - the user-built directory
Easy Link DirectoryA bid for placement web directory, submit a link to your site and bid to for placement; lowest bid is only $1.http://www.easlinktrade.com/

2. Add your own blog at a few sites:
Start a blog. Unique content, link out to trusted sites, add tags, to posts with appropriate keywordsWordPress.com » Get a Free Blog Here
Start a Squidoo Lens on your topic.Squidoo Homepage
Start a weather blog at Wunderground.comStart a blog (choose free option) and Wunder Blog Directory : Weather Underground
Other places to add your own content:hubpages.comzimbio.com

3. Add the link to your social media accounts.
Add a link to your social media accounts that you've already set up.StumbleUponDel.icio.us/delicious.comgoogle.com/bookmarkswirefan.com'simpy.comfolkd.comblogmarks.netcorank.commegite.com/discoverdropjack.coma1-webmarks.comjumpup.intuit.comspicypages.com
If you have the option available to you, consider adding "link bait" type articles, content to the web site and use the social media sites to help promote that content.

4. Add your site to new social media profiles.If you plan on using the new social media profile in the future, then it might make sense to set up social media profiles for the site. There's a good list of social media sites at Social bookmarking services poster and community websites submitter: digg.com reddit.com netscape.com propeller.com Del.icio.us Stumbleupon.com etc..

5. Check for broken links at Web DirectoriesCheck for broken links. Use a dead link checker to check for sites that are listed in the category where you want to be listed. Sometimes you can find a domain name that is listed (or one that you can buy) and redirect to your site with a 301 Permanent Redirect.dir.yahoo.combusiness.comdmoz.org
Besides the Yahoo! Directory, Business.com, and DMOZ.org, there are most likely other authoritative sites or in your niche that list sites in your niche. Run a dead link checker script on those pages to find domain names, sites of formely competitive sites on your topic. Watch out for domain names that have trademarks, don't register those. Whether or not you actually get credit for those directory links is questionable, though. Once a domain name drops (goes pending delete) and is available, I tend to see them removed from the Google index. If you're after a directory listing, though, this may be an option if you don't want to wait or pay for the directory listing fee (some are as much as $299).
Here are a few broken link checker scripts:Xenu - Find broken links on your site with Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM)404 Checker - Link CheckerDead Links - Free Online Broken Link Checker: Site Wide! no more 1 by 1 pages

6. Make useful comments on some dofollow blogs. Here's a list of some dofollow blogs (blogs that have removed the "nofollow" tag on their blog comments. Keep in mind that you really DO need to make a useful comment (especially on my blog) because most of these (if not all of them) are moderated. If you want a link from my blog, make a useful comment on a *recent* post, not one from 6 months or a year ago.

Comment Hunt - CommentHunt.com - Get Links from High Page Rank DoFollow BlogsDo Follow Blogs - Do Follow Blogs DirectoryCourtney Tuttle DoFollow blogs - D-List Court's Internet Marketing School - How To Make Money OnlineLink Building Bible - DoFollow Diver - The Premier DoFollow Blogs Search Engine
Like I mentioned before, there are many reasons why you would want to links to a site quickly; and you easily force a search engine crawl of your site by doing any of these things. I tend to prefer to do as many as I can, especially when it comes to a brand new domain name or when I need a link to an article or press release on a site that I know is going to get "syndicated" somewhere. Hopefully this list is helpful. If you know of any other ways to get a link that I haven't mentioned, feel free to comment about it. __________________Bill Hartzer's Blog

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